Tuesday 2 June 2015

Looking Ahead - July

In terms of events, July appears to be a more calm one compared to May and June....so far.  It will be the middle of winter but I will take advantage of this "quieter" month to do more cycling strength work such as hilly rides without stressing out about how I will recover and be ready for the next day's events.

On the 19th July weekend - There are 3 running races on
  • Trails+ - You Yangs 15km Trail Run
  • Salomon Trail Series - Plenty Gorge 17km Trail Run
  • Sri Chimnoy - Princess Park 10km or 21.1km
Closer to the weekend and see how I am travelling with regards to my health and fitness, I will decide on which run event to sign up to. I know that Bayside will sign up for the Sri Chimnoy as it is one of the key events which the run training we have been doing leads up to however I do need to build some strength with trail running so it will most likely be the trails. TBC.

26th July - The next event which I have within the month of July is the Womens100 Ride with Jaggad. This time last year, I fell off a bike onto my head/face which stopped me from participating. I am looking forward to this ride and being amongst this women's cycling movement. It is on the same day as Run Melbourne but I think that joining smaller runs events during the year is sufficient enough for me. Will do a run the day before this ride and ensure that I recover well before the 100km ride the next day.

Small Goals/Key Sessions
  • For the month of July, I will be in phase 3 of my strength program with Chris (Excite). I am not finding it hard to stay motivated with these sessions as I am really seeing the benefits and the improvement. The sessions are done in the gym so it doesn't depend on the weather.

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