Monday, 2 June 2014

Weekly Reflection 26/05 - 1/06

There was a noticeable drop in temperature over the weekend as the first day of winter settled in. We actually had a great run of 20+ degrees during the week which made the early mornings easier to tackle.

I pretty much trained everyday except for Friday of last week (as per the training schedule). I swam by myself on the Monday at GESAC and followed the program. I do have a few pet-hates and one of them happened at the pool that day. There were 2 fast lanes, 1 medium lane and 2 slow lanes and the rest were reserved for squad. I swim in the fast lane in the suburbs but if I am doing a slow set I will move myself down to medium. During my main set, a couple decided to jump into my lane and continued on swimming breast stroke the entire time. If you can do breaststroke fast, then swimming in the fast lane is acceptable but not when you swim without getting your hair or face wet (yes, those ones). What annoyed me more was when I was going to over take them, they moved over to the right thinking they were doing me a favour which didn't allow me to over take....annoyed! I also had to make sure I swam as close to the lane ropes as possible as they kept kicking me with their wide strokes. As my swim set was over 2km, they ended up getting out after doing a few laps which meant that I didn't have to change lanes mid set - why should I have to move when I am swimming at the right pace? My other pet-hate is when people use my swim toys too which the lady tried to do with my swim seriously!?

Tuesday I joined the bayside squad for the windtrainer and I swam at Bayside Aquatics on the Wednesday morning. As much as a 25m pool still annoys me, I will set that aside to do these sessions close to home. We worked on stroke correction as well as feeling the water which was a good start to Wednesday morning.

As I mentioned previously, fartlek sessions are not my friend at the moment and that was what we did on Thursday night. After our warm up, we did 10 x (1min on and 1 min off). I was buggered by the 7th and slowed down considerably for the next 2. My legs just didn't want to fire, let alone for a whole min.

I coached on Saturday morning with the beginners ride - only 3 people showed up. We did a 50km ride from St Kilda down to Port Melbourne and then return after Mordialloc. My 2nd run technique session with Rupert on Sunday and we worked on hills.

Favourite session of the week: I am enjoying the run technique sessions at the moment. They are not too intense but they are good in working on the basics.  It was a hill run session and we worked on the following:
1) Steady hill inclines - what technique to use when you are running up a hill which may be long
2) Hill inclines with slow jog recovery - similar to fartlek run sessions with the recovery being a slow job instead of stopping fully.
3) Strength - Steep hill inclines (shorter distances) with recovery jog.

Run Technique with Rupert
Least favourite session of the week: I think due to my pet-peeves at the pool on the Monday night, I didn't particularly enjoyed that swim session as I couldn't get into a rhythm without being kicked in the guts and head and trying to navigate my way around people.

Advice of the week: I am currently not taking on any supplements for energy (gels) during much of my training (no need to). I only took one gel during the week and that was during my long ride as it was about 2.5 hours. No need for the excessive sugar at this stage in training.

Thing I’m looking forward to next week: Lorne Camp! WOOT WOOT!

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