Friday, 13 June 2014

Lorne Camp - 2014

Wow....this was my 5th Lorne Camp with Tri Alliance.

2010 - no blog

No matter how many times I have attended Lorne Camp, I learnt something every year. I attended Lorne Camp as a coach for the first time this year. I only attended as an athlete the previous years. I decided that as a coach, I would stay onsite to provide as much support to the athletes as I could.

I decided to head into Lorne on Friday afternoon. The same routine I had been doing the previous years - arrive in time to check in, do the Friday night run, dinner at pub.

Friday was my first "big drive" in my new CX5. I had borrowed a bike trailer from a friend and had my mountain bike and my road bike at the back instead of being inside the car. This was so much more convenient. I could just throw all my bags at the back and not have to worry about playing jigsaw with bikes, bags and boxes.

I arrived in Lorne around 2:30pm, walked up and down the life saving club with all my bags, doona, pillows, bikes. During one of my last trips to the car, I slammed the car door into my left index finger. I haven't really appreciated how much I used my index finger until then - I couldn't really do anything with the left hand without the use of the index finger.

Fractured Finger

So during the camp briefing, we received our packs - gotta say - BEST PACK EVER!!!! Not only did we get heaps of swag from our sponsors, we also received a Tri Alliance visor and some booties (which I didn't own already!).
So after the briefing, it was off to our rooms, get all your stuff ready for the next day. As I have attended this camp on several occasions and have collected several items over my years in triathlon and was able to pack all my clothing/accessories into bags ready to go for the next session - 3 cycling bags, 3 run bags and a swim bag.

I was asleep by 9:30am and the alarm was set for 5:45am as breakfast was to be served by 6am.

For the Saturday, I was riding with Group 2 as an athlete. I started out OK but did realise that my quads were very sore as I couldn't stay in the water to recover as I had to rush to attend the Coaches meeting the night before. Sore quads = slow Ev. In addition to the sore quads, my finger was still throbbing. Every bump on the road could be felt through my finger. I rode on the hoods with the index finger sticking upwards (couldn't bend) and when I needed the brakes or change my gears, I had to lean my hand forward and grip onto the levers with the middle finger onwards. Couldn't really steer the bike properly too as my balance was completely out of whack!
Group 2 - I was coordinated with pink
The program for Group 2 was to ride to Apollo Bay and back within 4 hours. I only did 70km (instead of 90km) as I turned around after 1.5 hours. Into the water I went to recovery and then I went to bed for a nap as I was exhausted.

I woke up for lunch and didn't really have an appetite - not sure if it was the amount of gels I had taken (3 within 3 hours) which is the most I have had since Ironman Day in March), work stress or that I was injured. After lunch, I went back for a sleep and got up in time for the Mizuno talk. Trent from Mizuno gave out free t-shirts! We love free stuff! I don't normally wear t-shirts to run in but I do love my Mizuno shirts.

Before Saturday Run

The Saturday run took us around the caravan park and then up the hills through Lorne. My calves (being tight since last week), were tight from Friday night's Mountain to Surf run. It was not functioning 100% and the hills hurt my calves rather than my quads. The run down the hill was a welcome relief and the run along the flat was also good. After the run, it was a quick rest followed by dinner and then another team meeting.

On Sunday, I was coaching Group 4 for the ride. The plan for the group was 2-2.5 hours in total. My plan was that I would ride up Deans Marsh road after this session and it worked out well as some of my athletes from Group 4 who were stronger riders wanted to challenge themselves and do the same. We also rode up the hill in time with some of the Group 2 and 3 riders.

Myself with some of Group 3 and 4

I had real trouble getting my core temperature up after I ascended down from Benwerrin that I couldn't recover in the water for too long. There was a water session on after lunch and I opted for the Pier to Pub swim - this was the BEST!!! The water was cold but when you started swimming, it was actually refreshing. Sighting was a bit of an issue as the route was slightly on a curve and we also had to dodge the surfers out there.

Pier to Pub Swimmers
My calves were tight and niggly so instead of the run on Sunday, I rode around Lorne on the mountain bike instead. Great fun and can't wait for another mtb session with my friend Sally next weekend - we are heading to the You Yangs!

On Monday, there was only 1 session left to do but I was also coaching. I took group 3 (and 4) out on a neutral ride out for 45min and then we seeded them for a TT ride back to Lorne. I think everyone pushed themselves extra hard as it was the last session for the entire weekend. Everyone did well.

I really love Lorne training camp - it happens early in the winter season that it gives you a good spike in training and a big kick up the bum to the work that needs to be done in the months ahead to get to your potential again.

What I loved:
  • Pier to Pub Swim
  • The Great Ocean Road!
  • The Mountain to Surf run
  • The goodie bag
What I didn't like:
  • My broken finger
  • My stomach - gels....bleg....
  • My tight calves - dry needling helped (I do love a dry needling session)
  • The endless amounts of washing to be done post camp
Will I do another Lorne Camp? Only time will tell. Another year, over and out.


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