Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Homemade Gels - The Introduction

I have always wanted to try some homemade (energy) gel recipes and as we are in the beginning of the training phase, I thought this would be the best time to try and make some energy gels from scratch. No point in trying out new things so close to race day.

When I first started training, a friend introduced to me his method of energy/nutrition on his bike rides - he would mix about 3 tablespoons of maltodextrin into his 500ml bottle, add 1 Nuun/Shotz tablet and add water. Essentially, he had his complex sugars, salts and water all mixed into a bottle. Since then, I have always had some maltodextrin around my house.

Researching further into the ingredients of gels - the ones which I am comfortable about making all have maltodextrin as their base ingredient. Another gel brand uses Brown Rice Syrup as their main complex sugar but the heavy wheat taste needs to be masked with chocolate, coffee or peanut butter flavours. Over the years, my tolerances to flavours have been narrowed to the following:
  • Plain - no flavour or least offensive
  • Berries/Raspberry - this has to be alike the taste of strawberry/raspberry jam and not cough medicine
  • Chocolate - but the consistency is important and also not too fake
  • Mint - this is more of a pallet cleansing flavour I need in between other gels or to take away the salt mouthwash straight after a swim
Most gels are made from a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates complex (maltodextrin) sugars to simple sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose, dextrose). Some gels use fruit juices (concentrated, not puree), agave syrup, honey whilst others use plain fructose powder. I will experiment with them over the coming weeks and see how they turn out.

First I will start with the Energy Gel Base. This is made up of the simple 4:1 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose powder and with it, added citric acid, salt and water - simple hey?! Will report on how I go soon.

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