Monday, 6 May 2013

Homemade Gel #2 - Base Gel Recipe

I had time to gather a few more key ingredients over the last few days to be able to make the basic gel mixture. I wanted to make this base mix based on the nutritional panel of a Gu gel.

This is my second homemade gel attempt. I wanted to make a Gu-like recipe. I had a look at the nutritional panel on my Gu packet and noted the ingredients and nutritional info for a Gu is: maltodextrin, water, fructose and some amino acids and salts. 481kJ (approx 100Cal), Carbs 25 g with 6g sugar.

The maltodextrin I was using had the following - 100g mixture with 384 Cal (1598kJ) with 94g Carbs with 16g sugar so based on the ratio of sugar of the Gu mixture, I needed approx 8-10g of fructose mixture to my 100g maltodextrin.
I added the maltodextrin and fructose mixture into a small saucepan and added some water to dissolve. The mixture was cloudy until the powder dissolved well into the water. Citric acid was added to the liquid as per instructions. I didn't want the gel mixture to be flavourless and so I added some vanilla extract and salt. The mixture did not thicken as my previous batch so I added pectin to hopefully thicken it up (didn't work, maybe I didn't add enough or I had too much water).

So this mixture was not as thick compared to what I am use to and the colour was slightly yellow due to the vanilla extract. All the energy needs were in there. When the mixture cooled, I poured it into a flask and left in the fridge.
Final  product & its ingredients
- The final mixture made 4 servings of energy gel with the following nutritional value per serving: Energy 106 Cal (510kJ), Carbs 26g with 6g of Sugar.
- This gel recipe is not suitable if you have fructose intolerance (as the sugar is pure fructose sugar crystals).
- At first taste, the mixture reminded me of Endura Gel in Vanilla flavour (not my favourite) so I don't know how I will enjoy this...may taste better whilst I am training

Conclusion & Comments

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