Friday, 3 July 2015

Looking Ahead - August

For the month of August, I will concentrate on my (fast) flat runs (and less trail runs). This is because I have committed myself to the Sandy Point half marathon and aiming to do this run in less than 2 hours. Running has never been my drug of choice. In the past, the longer the distance, the more I tend to “pace” myself so I can run as much of the distance as I can and refrain from walking. This time around, I need to train hard and race fast. 

Sandy Point Half Marathon on the 23rd August is a B race on my calendar of events (not just an event I have entered so I can get out of bed and be accountable for my run).  The day before the run, I will most likely just spin my legs out on a bike along Beach Road for 50km or so (after a good sleep in), go to a church for a friend’s wedding ceremony and rest my legs for the rest of the day. I haven’t run a half marathon under 2 hours since October 2013. 

I am working on my strength elsewhere in my program so I will drop off trail runs or stair climbs leading up to August. To build on speed, my Tuesday and Thursday run sessions will be my crucial sessions for the week and Thursday being a double-session along with GESAC spin in the morning. 

Bayside will be hosting a duathlon race on the 2nd August and I will volunteer for this event and squeeze in my long run most likely on the day before (1st August) leaving the Sunday for a recovery spin on the bike. 

I will be off on holidays from the 24th August through to the 5th September and will be coming back to Amy's Gran Fondo and the Dirty Gran Fondo (more on this next month).

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