Monday, 12 May 2014

Weekly Reflection 05/05 - 11/05

Last week was my first official week back into triathlon training and this is my first official Weekly Reflection entry for this season.

During the transition phase of the calendar, we programmed in 2 sessions per week for each discipline. This excludes the strength and conditioning training which we are suppose to be doing on the side. Because of the Dirty Gran Fondo event on Saturday the 10th, I thought I would add an extra session in there on the bike and so I commuted into work on my CX bike instead of doing the swim on the Wednesday.

The single swim session was done on my own at GESAC on Monday afternoon as I wasn't game enough for the Monday morning swim at Mentone. I coached the Tuesday windtrainer session on Tuesday afternoon which was refreshing - a 35min session instead of the 2 hour sessions we did during peak training for Ironman.

I did my first run session on Thursday night with Rupert in Mentone. My first run session since Ironman. We ran down to Beach Road and did drills in the car park. We did 2 x 10min T3 pace as the main set which could be tricky along the dirt paths through the bushes. For the 2nd set, I ran along the side of the road as I am not good with uneven grounds and for the sake of my safety (this needs another blog entry). All in all, we ran about 7km and it was a good set to ease my legs back into running. I wore my new Newtons shoes for this session and my quads and calves really felt it the next day.

No long run this week as I will be doing the Mothers Day Classic in Geelong.

Favourite session of the week: Dirty Gran Fondo


Least favourite session of the week:The first run session back really did hurt (lungs and legs)

Advice of the week: Easier said than done, I should have kept moving during recovery month. I say it year after year but I never do.

Thing I’m looking forward to next week: There are a few things on this week which I am looking forward to. Firstly, a yoga session with Kerri's sister. I went to the first one a few months ago, raising money for Smiling for Smiddy. Secondly, I may be getting my new car too. It will be more "tri-friendly".

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