Monday, 16 December 2013

Weekly Reflection 09/12 - 15/12

Last week was recovery week and I made the most of it....well half of it was forced upon me due to an unexpected cold. I blame it on cleaning both houses (using too much cleaning products) and not consuming enough probiotics during that time too. I was bed ridden for 2 days and couldn't coach on Thursday night. The worst thing was that I couldn't do the Friday morning swim and join everyone at Penny Farthing Espresso for breakfast. Not to worry, I will be back there during the holidays again. 

Aside from the lack of training due to a cold, I have good news - I finally had a run post Shepparton! I gave myself 3 weeks for recovery and until I could no longer feel any stabbing pain along my knees and quads, I was staying off running full stop. So on Sunday, I ventured out on the run with no watch (and as always, no music). I just wanted to run to see how my my legs would cope and didn't want to be bogged down with data about the distance travelled and the pace. I knew the run would be slow but it was not the point of the session. The loop was 5km but I could only jog about 3km of it. My fitness is currently near nothing but I was glad that I could start running again.

So in summary, I did only one swim (Monday), one windtrainer (Tuesday) and one run (Sunday) for the whole week! Not to worry as I have holidays coming up and planning on taking advantage of it with some honest sessions.   

Also, I got my CX (Cyclocross) Bike on Wednesday (18th Dec) and sold my (first) road bike all in the same week. I haven't ridden the bike yet as I am waiting on some carbon paste for the seat post as well as getting some mtb shoes.

Betty the CX bike

Favourite session of the week: This would have to be my run on Sunday. Although it was only a 3km run, I ran without a watch and was glad that I was able to do this simple task without any pain.

Least favourite session of the week: I didn't really have a session which I didn't enjoy this week as I only did 3 in total. I really wanted to do the Saturday ride but recovering from a cold, it wasn't possible.

Advice of the week: Knowing that Hell Week is coming up, I made sure that I am well rested as I will try my best to do Hell Week.

Thing I’m looking forward to next week: As mentioned above, I have Hell Week which starts on Saturday 21st Dec. I will write more about this in my next post.

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