Training leading up to this event hasn't been ideal. I fell up the Level 4 MCG steps on Saturday during the AFL Grand Final which meant that my knees are still bruised and my right ankle (the weak one) is still sore. I had difficulty walking in the beginning of the week.
Last night, I tried some running (jogging) and it did not feel right. The first 1km was ok, then any unevenness of the ground aggravated the ankle whenever it went beyond any angles. I could only do a lap of the Tan before I decided to stop before I did any further damage. An oesteo friend had a quick look at the ankle and advised that the strain is localised and a good rest and ice should help it. Fingers crossed that it heals up in time for the event next weekend.
I have kept up with my training on the bike and in the pool which is good. There is a 3km run off the bike tomorrow and I will see how it goes before I dedicate myself to my 15km on Sunday. I might have to substitute the run for a water running session instead if running is not possible.
The event is on the 13th October and Ausbike (bike expo) is on the same weekend - I love Ausbike!
Something more triathlon-training-related...
The Tri Alliance summer training program starts next week. How quickly the winter training months went by. The difference between the summer training schedule compared to winter is minimal and would be similar to my last season:
My schedule will be:
Monday - am Swim
Tuesday - am Run, pm Windtrainer
Wednesday - am Swim (pool) or pm Swim (will incorporate some open water swims with JVW)
Thursday - am Run, pm, Combo (swim, windtrainer)
Friday - am Swim (pool)
Saturday - long Ride (run off the bike for a few sessions)
Sunday - long Run
A few months leading to Ironman Melbourne, the training schedule will change slightly to incorporate some long run sessions from Frankston, similar to last year.
Half Marathon (Oct 2012) |
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