Wednesday, 10 April 2013


So last night, Tri Alliance had a Long Course Goal Setting session to introduce to the long course group (people doing long course racing - be it running or triathlon) within the 2013-2014 season.

As part of this session, Head Coach Ollie spoke about the program and the different sections of the program leading up to the big race so it starts out with technique work and then moves on to strength and then race pace/volume. He stressed the importance of getting the technique and the build up right because it is the only way to correct your technique before the volume and strength kicks in and this is good for two main reasons:
1) Maximise efficiency of your actions be it in your stroke in swimming, running or cycling and
2) Avoid injuries when you are doing the right things.

He also spoke about the importance of training spikes (as in training camps) and the volume leading up to the race week. He also stressed the importance of not going beyond the line in training as to avoid injuries and to also allow the body to properly adapt to the training load and to also allow your body enough time to recover.

We then went into a goal setting session by Coach Greg. This was very similar session to what he hosted 2 years ago in 2011 but he added a few things extra which I will need to post when the slides become available as I wasn't able to write them down. The general gist of the added things he spoke about was more about the mindset of training and how we behave in those sessions. Ironman (or any distance triathlon) is a choice we make and how we go into training and how we treat others around us is our choice. This is very similar sentiment to what I have previously posted before in this blog.

My two MAJOR triathlon goals for the 2013-2014 are as follows:

Shepparton Half Ironman - 17th Nov 2013
I, Evalin Ling will complete my 3rd half ironman-distance triathlon. This will be my second Shepparton 70.3 event. This will happen on the November 2013 in Shepparton, VIC. I will aim for a time of 5:45 hours. In order for me to get below 5:45 hours, my times for the race will need to be:
Swim - 1.9km < 35min
Ride - 90km < 3 hours
Run - 21.1km < 2 hours

Melbourne Ironman - 23rd March 2014
I, Evalin Ling will complete my 2nd FULL Ironman-Distance Triathlon at Melbourne Ironman. This will be my second 140.6 event. This will happen in Melbourne, VIC during March 2014. I will aim for a time of 12 hours. In order for me to get below 12 hours, my times for the race will need to be:
Swim - 3.8km < 1:15min
Ride - 180km < 6 hours
Run - 42.2km < 4:30 hours

I will achieve the goals above by:
- Improving on my swim technique as I don't feel that I have mastered the art of a complete catch (with high elbows). I may need to invest in some swim technique classes outside of the Tri Alliance program. Swim at least 3 sessions a week.
- Increase strength in cycling. This will be done through the introduction of intensity in training rather than just getting through the volume (as per the first-timer program). Must do hills in winter as this was not provided to first timer program in 2012.
- Stay consistent with using the tri bike on all windtrainer sessions
- Stay consistent with running training. Tuesday mornings is a must as well as Sunday long runs with Coach Greg at Fairfield. Thursday evenings will depend on my coaching commitments with the club.
- Run a half marathon < 1:50 in June 2013.
- Run a marathon < 4:45 hours in October 2013

I am a realist about my goals - I rely on facts. I know what my capabilities are and I don't just pluck random numbers off the top of my head just so the goals look good. Reflecting back on my 2012-2013 season, my weakness in the bike (over the long distance) was evident as I wasn't able to race the bike leg but it felt like I was just riding the distances. I will need to speak to the coaches on how I should approach my bike training sessions especially during training camps. I enjoy the swim sessions but I know that I will always of room for improvement. It is just a matter of getting up at 4:30am to head to the sessions 45km away - its the only way I can do the sessions themselves and giving my afternoons free for other requirements without ending my evenings too late for another 4:30am alarm the next morning. My comfort in the run has improved over the 2012-2013 season and I did my first marathon (as part of the Ironman). I know that if I manage my (hyper mobile) joints, this will minimise my injuries and I will be able to actually do more sessions successfully. I must also find the funds and the time to do more core strengthening sessions such as pilates and yoga in the next season.

I will formalise them and post then as a PAGE along the header similar to what I had done previously - that way it is easily found (by myself) and also get an update/reflection. I had these goals pretty much set after each event but was waiting on extra information from last night before I would finalise them on this blog.

I know that the goals above are achievable and within my means and capabilities. If I achieve them by more than I had expected, then I do need to revisit them and change to suit. But for now, I am comfortable about them and they will be what I will work towards for the up and coming months.

Goals Set - Ready to Rock and Roll.

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