Monday, 2 July 2012

No PB Trifecta for this little lady

Last week was time trial week and from Monday through to Thursday, I was on a roll. I had 3 PBs for my swim(s) and my run but unfortunately, my 20km bike time trial did not go as well.

This was my 2nd 20km bike time trial. I had a goal  of < 45:22. Having had a great run time trial on Thursday night, my legs were shattered and did not improve by Saturday. I was in need of a good massage and couldn't get one in time before Saturday (note to self - if I have another week like this, get massage on legs early on Friday).

I felt my legs getting heavy during the warm-up lap and I couldn't keep up with the rest of the half ironman group and turned around early before heading off to the tear-drop loop. The course was drier compared to the last time trial 6 weeks ago which was a good thing. This meant that I could stress less about slipping over if I accidently rode over the white painted lines. We rode 2 laps of the loop to familiarise ourselves before the actual start of the time trial. I was seeded at the back with Nikki (another half ironman first timer).

There isn't much to say in terms of the 20 loops I had to do for the time trial (describing a ride which consisted of 1km loop x 20 times can be boring) apart from the following:
  • I had no grunt in my ride as I was just pushing my legs through (the uncomfortable pain)
  • Cornering skills are still shocking and this is something which MUST improve
  • Riding up hills - need to push through the lactic burn
  • Riding up hills - what is the best? Small chain ring or stay in large (and stand up)?
  • Nutrition - I think this was right but are there benefits to drinking (sipping) after every lap? 45min or so is a long time without drinking on the course
  • Need to learn to negative split 2nd 10km compared to first without blowing up
I know I shouldn't be too hard on myself (after all I had an awesome improvement on my run PB). Often not achieving a PB is the same as failing a task and I have not been brought up to fail from young.

Things to work on before the next time trial:
  • Riding up hills - gauging which gears work best
  • Cornering! Cornering! Cornering!

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