Friday, 27 April 2012

The Month of May

Next week will be end of recovery month and the start of build phase of triathlon training. Training will most likely ramp up to 6 days a week with no Tuesday or Thursday morning sessions yet.

Monday - I will have to decide if I am to do my swim sessions in the morning and do strength and core in the afternoon or the other way around. Swimming in the morning will be at MSAC with Coach Ryan and working on technique (beginners) or in the evening which is at more of an intermediate level. I have to join a gym so I can work on my strength and I decided to go with MSAC for its location and I am already training there 3 days a week. An added to cost to being a triathlete.

Tuesday - Morning run sessions don't start until June so Tuesday evening (6:30pm) will be the windtrainer session which will be at MSAC until further notice. Tuesday AM strength and core could be an option for the month of May.

Wednesday - This will be similar to Monday morning except swim will be in the evening (7:15pm - late!) and morning will be S&C.

Thursday - No Thursday AM Windtrainer session for the month of May so Thursday night will be run session at the Tan starting at 6:30pm (warm up must be done before 6:30pm). These sessions will be Run-Play, Fartlek, Intervals rather than endurance.

Friday - No Friday AM swims for the month of May. I can chose to have this day as Rest Day.

Saturday - This will be the long ride session. The first few weeks will be along Beach Rd so that people can determine which group they will be more comfortable over the coming months as the location and distances will differ between different athletic levels. Rides start at 7:30am. I suspect for the first month or so, I will be in the intermediate group.

Sunday - Long endurance run session. Depending on what I am doing - this can either be with Tri Alliance meeting at MSAC at 8am, or around the Tan at about 8:15am...or do own run but in accordance to the my program. I am adding a few trail runs to my schedule just to break things up a bit and run on different terrains to strengthen my legs and feet muscles.

We will be starting the Time Trials in the month of May as well which will be exciting. Not sure if I will be stepping up to the Long Course distance of 1000m swim, 20km ride and 10km run instead of my previous 500m swim, 10km ride and 5km run.

Long rides will be along Beach Rd for two weeks and then it moves to Studley Park-Kinglake and North Rd - 1in 20. later in the month.

Count Down to Shepparton - 207 Days.

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